
The Germaine Greer Hat
The Bette Midler Hat
Asylum Seekers
Antidote to RU486

  Recently, I had an interesting encounter with Germaine Greer in Mildura.
Some one forwarded the story to David Kilby (ABC Radio Canberra) which resulted in a hilarious interview on 22/02/2005. Phillip Adams (ABC Radio National LNL) emailed me a charming response. To top it up someone left a message:  "Krystyna you are the Bob Dylan of Hats!"

Usually I am away most of March - April entertaining  the entertainers and their audiences at Womadelaide, Port Fairy Folk Festival, National Folk Festival (Canberra) with hats.

              Portrait of Germaine Greer (Photomontage)

Quote inside the hat: "I made this hat in honour of Germaine Greer, whose books are a great source of inspiration to me!" In blue pen is Germaine Greer's Autograph. 

The Germaine Greer Hat:

Women's Unfinished Business Series.

In February 2005, Germaine Greer spoke on Shakespeare at the Mildura Wentworth Festival.

I felt compelled to make her a hat as I often do for special people who influenced my patter of thought. I read most of her books. Not expecting Germaine to wear the hat but to have it as a unique souvenir from Mildura.

The shape of the hat was 'in vogue' in the 16th - 17th century Italy, reminiscent of Shakespeare's play 'The Merchant of Venice'. Texture is lush velvet.

The colours I chose are the same as used by the Suffragettes in Australia by the Women's Freedom League (WFL) in 1909.

Gold: Enlightenment; Purple: Ambition, Dignity, Self-reverence, Self-respect; Green: Long cherished hopes and new life; White: Purity.

As for the final touch I incorporated the imprint of a brown hand into the lining in reference to her assay "Whitefella jump up"(2004), about the frantic grief that is eating the heart out of Aboriginal communities.

During question time (amongst the audience of several hundred people) I gathered enough courage to put my hand up and asked Germaine if she would accept this hat I especially  made for her as a gift. She declined saying 'because of the tragic situation the world finds itself in she is not wearing colours anymore, only black and white and have no use for the hat. She offered to put her signature into the hat and suggested to raffle it for charity'.

I joined  the long queue of people holding their books to be autographed, me holding this flamboyant hat amongst them. I don't think Germaine is accustomed to signing hats instead of books.

My reaction to her mourning statement is: "One should never forget the power of positive thinking. Humans react to colours like bees and butterflies. Whilst I endorse the urgency for immediate action against war and global warming, black and white and doomsday politics will increase the speed towards our destruction.

The original hat has gone into a family archive as a heirloom. A reproduction of Bette Midler's hat & scarf set has been donated for fundraising to Mildura Specialist School in lieu of Germaine's hat.    

Created in early  February 2005 by Krystyna Schweizer

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The Bette Midler Hat:

Created in 2005 by Krystyna Schweizer

I never met Bette Midler in person. My sister Angela a flight attendant tended to Bette on a aircraft charted by Bette for her huge entourage for the 2005 Australian Tour. Knowing that Bette loves hats, Angela struck up a conversation discussing hats enlightening Bette about my unusual enterprise selling hats at Woodford Folk Festival*. Bette rang the office of Woodford Folk Festival asking if she could book a tour for herself, low key, no media!

She was shown the magnificent results of their massive tree planting project and other achievements. But no festival in progress and no Krystyna hats to look at.

My sister rang urging me to quickly make Bette and her assistant a hat and express post it to Brisbane so she can present it to her in person on her next flight.

Having no idea about Bette Midler's taste in fashion, I worked much of the night to make her a hat and scarf set of an  outrageous synthetic fur fabric purchased in Adelaide days earlier and a snazzy cap for her assistant, presented to her by Angela as promised in mid air in the Australian sky aboard an aircraft.

A couple of weeks later I find a distinguished hand written envelope in the post, senders address New York. Lined with soft red paper, out comes a card embossed with a tiny silver heart in a circle inscribed 'Break it Not'. With the following inscription:

Thank you, Krystyna. I love your precious gifts - Can't wait to wear'm in.        NYC - Aloha Bette

Woodford Folk Festival (Queensland, Australia) is known as the largest festival of its nature in the southern hemisphere. celebrated every year from Dec 26th - Jan 2nd.

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Asylum Seekers:

Women's Unfinished Business Series.

'There are no alternatives to detention' has become the rallying catch cry of our Federal Government.

The children overboard 'cover up', the misuse of the Nation's intelligence services during the Tampa controversy, severe mental trauma inflicted upon refugees and there children by indefinite detention.

All these tragic issues came swirling into my mind as I discovered a piece of fabric with little sailing boats during my regular op shop visits. In my special purpose box I found a big eye cut out from an old T-shirt yrs ago, a piece of chain and miniature plastic infants. I combined all these ingredients and gave birth to a huge top hat 12hrs later! At first I named Phillips and Amanda's Hat but later changed it to 'Asylum Seekers'.     

Created in 2002 by Krystyna Schweizer

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Antidote to RU486:

Women's Unfinished Business Series.

The debate about RU-486 took me back to the days in the 1970's when I worked at Dr. Wainer's Fertility Control Clinic in East Melbourne. Little did I know that this debate will hit us again like a tonne of bricks 30yrs later! This is the beginning of the erosion of the emancipation of women if we don't take action.

The hat portrays 17 babies falling out of the 'safety net'. I chose 17 because back then I actually counselled a women pregnant with her 18th child!

The Bride and Groom are enclosed in a horse shoe surrounded by fairy wings. The missing head of the groom was unintentional. Whilst giving it the 'final stitch up' I pricked my finger, the hat fell on the floor and the grooms head rolled away. The lace and velvet was acquired  from a damaged wedding gown.   

Created in 2005 by Krystyna Schweizer

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'Islamophobic Backlash'

Women's Unfinished Business Series.

Under no circumstance is this meant to be inflammatory, offensive or to be misconstrued.

This is not to offend Islamic women on the contrary! It is to draw attention to the disrespect dished out to Islamic women! I made the piece to stimulate discussion.

The red transparent veil has red running drops indicative of the continuous bloodshed.

The crown of barbwire is symbolic to emphasize the danger of  racial incarceration imposed by political, economic and religious structures affecting freedom of speech and freedom to choose, and to demystify cultural representation of the fundamental spiritualization that binds us all.

Shoe on a hat is not new. Elsa Schiaparelli adored by Salvadore Dali created a 'Shoehat' in the 1930's 

Created in 2005 by Krystyna Schweizer

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Women's Unfinished Business Series.

This 'Mardi Gras' type of headdress was created to remind us of Marilyn Monroe's dramatic short lived life.

In my opinion this Beautiful Women was a victim of political circumstance.

Fairy Floss like sweetness, Rose and Pearl like glamour and Feather like volatility.

The pleated chiffon border around Marilyn's image gives it a 'Madonna' like aspect of someone whose soul rests in peace!

The print was sourced from an approximately 30yr old T-Shirt.

Created in 2000 by Krystyna Schweizer

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